The AGM and Conference for the New Zealand Asparagus Council 2017 will be held in Mount Maunganui on 12 July.
This is being held on the morning of the first day of the Horticulture Conference. 12 July will be dedicated to the AGMs of New Zealand Asparagus Council, Tomatoes NZ Inc and Vegetables NZ Inc. We will then hold some conference sessions – either joint with the other vegetable product groups or specific to asparagus. This will allow for our members to discuss issues that are pertinent to not only asparagus but wider vegetable growers. The Horticulture New Zealand AGM will be held in the afternoon of the 12th. You are encouraged to attend the Horticulture New Zealand AGM. HortNZ is the peak industry body representing your voice in Wellington.
In the evening the vegetable product groups will hold a joint dinner to allow time for more networking amongst growers. It was expressed at the AGM/ Conference last year that people who have not attended the Horticulture Conference before would like to – and also that asparagus growers would like more opportunity to network with other growers in HortNZ. By holding our AGM and conference at the same time/ venue as these other product groups and also with HortNZ, we can take advantage of the networking opportunities that this conference offers.
We will also secure an asparagus-only session to ensure that we have the opportunity to discuss our unique issues. The NZAC annual Conference plays an important role in ensuring communication across the Council, and by holding it at the same time as other product groups and as HortNZ we have a further chance to widen these conversations.
Please email your suggestions for conference session topics and speakers through to
We look forward to seeing all of you in Mt Maunganui in July.